Options & Customization

You can customize your items in various ways. The available options are detailed below. The images shown when you customize a product are renderings, so the actual product may differ slightly. But, the renderings should give you a good idea of what it'll look like. 

We'll take a look at your selections and if anything doesn't make sense or we feel it won't look great, we'll let you know before we start printing. 

what are you waiting for?

There's really no risk! Especially right now, since we've waived ALL startup and setup fees.


Customizing your garment is simple and straightforward. Below is an overview of the different options and how to make changes.

A. CUSTOM TEXT (If available) - If you'd like custom text to appear on the front of your garment, enter it here. The text will be printed in ALL CAPS, regardless of how it's entered on the mock up. There is an input box for Line 1 and a seperate input box for Line 2. You must select YES in the CUSTOM TEXT section in order for it to be printed (see Section H below)

B. PRINT COLOR OPTIONS - For many items, you can select the print color from the Standard Print Colors. If this option is available, there will be a small colored square next to the design thumbnail. Click the colored box and a palatte containing the Standard Print Colors will appear (see Image B-2 left). Pick the print color you'd like. You can choose differnt items to be printed in different colors, all designs do not have to be the same color. 

C. CHOOSE A DESIGN (Front) - Any item that allows you to select a design will have a thumbnail showing "Choose Design" or "Add Design". Click this thumbnail and it will open up the design library (see Image C-2 left). The library contains your available team designs and a collection of stock designs. Select which design you'd like to have placed on the item. Once you select a design, select the print color you'd like (see Section B above)

D. CHOOSE A DESIGN TEXT LINKS - To the right of the Choose Design thumbnail, you may see some text links. Replace Image link behaves the same as clicking on the Choose a Design thumbnail. The Clear Image link will remove the current design from the item. 

E. FLAG PRINT COLOR - Some items have a reversed US Flag on the right shoulder. You can change the print color of the flag, but can't change the design. Select the small colored square next to the flag to change the print color.  

F. CHOOSE A DESIGN (Back) - If the item has a back design, you'll see a Choose Design (Back) section. This is the same process as choosing your design for the front (see Section C above).

G. ITEM COLOR - Select the item color in this section. The available colors are shown as colorchips and the text below the chips shows the current color selected. 

H. INCLUDE CUSTOM TEXT - If you want the custom text shown to be printed, you MUST SELECT YES in this section. If you select NO, the custom text will not be printed regardless of what is showing on the mockup. 

I. ITEM SIZE - Select the size of the item you'd like, then ADD TO CART.

standard print colors

Below are the standard ink color options. You can choose each element of an item and switch the color. For instance, you can have the rear logo one color, and the front logo another color. If you need a custom color, give us a shout. Some items cannot have color changes made. 









standard LEATHERETTE colors

Below are the standard leatherette colors that we stock. If you're looking for something specific, let us know and we'll try to find the right color. 





what are you waiting for?

There's really no risk! Especially right now, since we've waived ALL startup and setup fees.

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